CIVIL LAW (SET:I) (MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006) (MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

CIVIL LAW (SET:I) (MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006) (MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)


1. In case of an alternative promise, one branch of which is legal and the other illegal

                                                                        ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 1998)

(a) both branches will be enforceable.

(b) the legal branch alone can be enforced.

(c) no branch is enforceable.

(d) none of these.

2. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. is A entitled for reimbursement from the property of B?

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 1998)

(a) NO.

(b) Yes, if the value of property is more than ₹ 1 lakh.

(c) Yes.

(d) None of these.

3. A proposal when accepted

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) becomes a promise,

(b) becomes an agreement.

(c) becomes a contract.

(d) becomes a consideration.

4. A contract without consideration will be 

                                                                        ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) illegal

(d) inoperative.

5. 'A' promises to paint a picture for

                                                                    (MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) 'A' may employ a competent person to perform the promise.

(b) representatives of 'A' may employ a competent person for the purpose.

(c) 'A's sons may perform his promise.

(d) 'A' must perform this promise personally.

6. Every agreement in restraint of the marriage of any person other than a minor

                                                                    (MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) is voidable.

(b) is illegal.

(c) is void.

(d) is valid.

7. In the case of an alternative promise, one branch of which is legal and the other illegal

                                                                    ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) such a promise can be enforced. 

(b) any of its branch cannot be enforced.

(c) the legal branch alone can be enforced.

(d) with the permission of the court, both the branches can be enforced.

8. A contracts to sing for at a concert for ₹ 1,000 which was paid advance. A is too ill to sing

                                                                    (MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) A is bound only to make compensation to B for the loss of the profits which B would have made if A had been able to sing but not bound to refund ₹1,000 paid in advance.

(b) A is neither bound to refund ₹ 1,000 paid in advance nor is bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profit which B would have made if A had been able to sing.

(c) A is not bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profits which B would have made if A had been able to sing, but must refund to B the ₹ 1,000 paid in advance.

(d) A is not bound to make compensation to B for the loss of profits which B would have make if A had been able to sing but must refund to B half of the amount paid in advance.

9. A leaves a  cow in the custody of B to be taken care of.. The cow has a calf. In the absence of any contract to the contrary

                                                                            ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 2002)

(a) B is bound to deliver only the cow to A.

(b) B is bound to deliver  the calf as well as the cow to A.

(c)  B is bound to deliver the calf as welll as the cow if he is paid half the price of the calf.

(d) B is bound to deliver the calf as well as the cow if he is paid one-third of the price of the calf.

10. X transfers ₹ 5,000 to Y on condition that he shall marry with the consent to A, B and C, Y married without the consent of A, B and C but obtained their consent after the marriage. Y has

                                                           ( MP Civil Judge (Junior Division Examination, 2006)

(a) fulfilled the condition.

(b) not fulfilled the condition.

(c) substantially complied wiht.

(d) none of these.

11. A contract with or by a minor is a 

                                                        ( MP Civil Judge (Junior Division Examination, 2006)

(a) Valid contract.

(b) void contract.

(c) voidable contract.

(d) voidable contract at the opinion of either party.

12.  Which of the following is correct?

                                                ( MP Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) Past consideration is no consideration.

(b) Consideration can be past, present or future.

(c) Consideration can only be present.

(d) Consideration can only be future.

13. A contingent contract

                                        ( MP Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) is a valid contract.

(b) is a voidable contract.

(c) is a contract void ab-initio.

(d) is a contract that becomes void when the event becomes impossible.

14. Tender is

                                                    ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) an offer.

(b) an invitation to offer.

(c) counter offer.

(d) a promise.

15. Reasonable time for performance of a contract is a question

                                            ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) of fact.

(b) of law.

(c) mixed question of fact and law.

(d) of prudence.

16. A contract is not frustrated

                                            ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) by commercial impossibility.

(b) by imposition of government restriction of order.

(c) by destruction of subject-matter of contract.

(d) by death or incapability of party when contract is of personal services.

17. X promises to make a sculpture for Y

                                                ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) X's son can perform the promise.

(b) X has to perform the promise personally.

(c) X's servant can perform the promise.

(d) X's agent who is an artist also, can perform the promise.

18. X enters into contract with Y, for which Y is guilty of fraud X can

                                                    ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) set aside the contract but cannot recover damages.

(b) only recover damages.

(c) set aside the contract and can recover damages also.

(d) none of these.

19. When a contract has been broken, the party who suffers by such breach, is entitled to receive from the party, who has broken the contract.

                                                            ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) liquidated damages.

(b) compensatory damages.

(c) penal damages.

(d) none of these.

20. An agent can be appointed by

                                                    ( MP Civil Judge Division) Examination, 2006)

(a) a minor of sound mind.

(b) a major of sound mind.

(c) any person of sound mind.

(d) any major of sound or unsound mind.


1.B        2.C        3. A        4. B        5. D        6. C        7. C        8. C        9. B        10. B

11. B        12. B        13. D        14. B        15. A        16. A        17. B        18. C        19. B

20. B