All India Bar Examination - VII (A) Question and Answers
All India Bar Examination - VII (A)
1. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Yojna is mainly meant to serve the needs of
1 point
(A) Organised workers
(B) Unorganised workers
(C) Unorganized sector workers belonging to BPL category and their
family members
Organized sector workers belonging to BPL category and their family members
2. Equal pay for equal work
for both men and women is proclaimed under---------- 'of the Constitution of
1 point
(A) Art.39(a)
(B) Art.39(d)
(C) Art.39(b)
3. Where any workman is
suspended by the employer pending investigation or inquiry into complaints or
charges of misconduct against him, the employer shall pay to such workman
subsistence allowance. This provision was inserted in the Industrial
-Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 in which year
1 point
(A) 1992
(B) 1982
(C) 2009
(D) 2010
4. ------------- was a leading
case on the point as to whether an employer has a right to deduct wages
unilaterally and without holding an enquiry for the period the employees go on
strike or resort to go slow
1 point
(A) Bank of India v. T.S.Kelawala and others
(B) Randhirsingh v. Union of India
(C) Kamani metals and alloys Ltd. v. Their workmen
Workmen v. Reptakos Brett and Co.Ltd.
5. Under the Industrial
disputes Act, if the employer terminates the services of an individual workman,
any dispute /difference arising out of such termination shall be deemed to be':
1 point
(A) industrial dispute
(B) individual dispute
(C) both individual and industrial dispute
(D) none
of these.
6. Gloucstershire grammar
School Case is a leading case to explain the
1 point
(A) Volenti non fit injuria
(B) Injuria non fit volenti
(C) Damnum sine injuria
Injuria sine damnum
7. Right to freedom to
acquire, hold and dispose -off property is abolished by
1 point
(A) 44th Amendment Act, 1978
(B) 43 rd Amendment Act, 1976
(C) 50 th Amendment Act, 1950
(D) I st
Amendment Act, 1951
8. Which one of the following
is covered under the definition of State
1 point
(A) The Indian Statistical Institute
(B) Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(C) Sainik School Society
9. National Conservation
Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Development is a major
environmental policy in India and it was passed in the year
1 point
(A) 1988
(B) 1982
(C) 1992
(D) 1990
10. -------------of the
Environment Protection Act, 1986, defines “Environment”
1 point
A) Section 2 (a)
B) Section 3 (a)
C) Section 1 (a)
Section 11 (a)
11. Polluter Pays Principle
1 point
(A) polluter should bear the cost of pollution as the polluter is
responsible for pollution
(B) polluter should not necessarily bear the cost of pollution as the
polluter is may not be responsible for pollution
(C) polluter may bear the cost of pollution as the polluter may be
responsible for pollution
(D) none
of the above
12. “Pollution is a civil
wrong. By its very nature, it is a tort committed against the community as a
whole. A person, therefore, who is guilty of causing pollution, has to pay
damages (compensation) for restoration of the environment. He has also to pay
damages to those who have suffered loss on account of the act of the offender.
Further, the offender can also be held liable to pay exemplary damages so that
it may act as a deterrent for others not to cause pollution in any manner.
However, the court cannot impose any pollution fine in absence of any trial and
finding of guilty under the relevant statutory provisions." This
observation was made in
1 point
(A) M.C. Mehta v. Kamal Nath
(B) Calcutta Tanneries Case
(C) M.C. Mehta v. UOI
(D) A.P.
Pollution Control Board v. M.V. Nayudu
13. India became a party to
the International Convention on Biological Diversity in
1 point
(A) 1992
(B) 1995
(C) 1994
(D) 2000
14. “A”, a railway company is
in possession of goods as a consignee. It does not claim any interest in the
goods except lien of wharfage, demurrage and freight but rival claims have been
made by “B” and “C” adversely to each other “A” can institute
1 point
(A) An application to decide the same
(B) An interpleader suit
(C) Friendly suit
(D) None
of the above
15. As per the provisions of
the Criminal procedure Code, the word 'inspection' used in S.93(1) (C) refers
1 point
(A) Things or documents
(B) Documents only
(C) Locality and place
(D) None
of the above
16. Statement recorded during
investigation under S.161 of Cr.P. C can be used during trial for
1 point
(A) Corroborating the witness
(B) Contradicting the witness
(C) Both A and B
Neither A nor B
17. “If an accused is charged
of a major offence but is not found guilty thereunder, he can be convicted of
minor offence, if the facts, established indicate that such minor offence has
been committed.” It was so upheld in which case
1 point
(A) Sangarabonia Sreenu v. State of Andhra Pradesh
(B) State of Himachal Pradesh v. Tara Dutta
(C) Shamsher Singh v.State of Punjab
Nalini v. State of Tamil Nadu
18. 'Ex dolo malo oritur
actio' is
1 point
(A) An action arose only when a right infringes
(B) An action could not prevent a legal right
(C) No action on an immoral act
(D) None
of the above
19. The Jural correlative of
immunity is
1 point
(A) Power
(B) Disability
(C) No claim
(D) Claim
20. Who defines "eternal
law as, the divine order or will of God which requires the preservation of
natural order and forbids the breach of it."
1 point
(A) Ambrose
(B) Augustine
(C) Gregory
(D) All
the above
21. "Government, even in
its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable
one.' Who stated so?
1 point
(A) Thomas Paine
(B) Gregory Peck
(C) Jefferson
(D) Dicey
22. The Constitution of India
has recognized the concept of tribunals as instruments of quasi-judicial
administrative adjudication
1 point
(A) Art.39(a) and 39(b)
(B) Art.323-A and 323-B
(C) Art.368
Art.202A and 202B
23. Nemojudexin causasua
meaning No man shall be a judge in his own cause was first stated by --------
in Dr. Bonham's Case
1 point
(A) Lord Grey
(B) Lord Heward
(C) Lord Coke
(D) Lord
24. General power of the Bar
Council of India to make rules is envisaged under which Section of the
Advocates Act, 1961
1 point
(A) S.48
(B) S. 49
(C) S.II-2
25. Seven lamps of advocacy is
attributable to
1 point
(A) Justice Abbot Parry
(B) Justice Heward
(C) Justice Bhagawathy
Justice Grey
26. Which Section under the
Advocates Act,1961 speaks of disciplinary powers of the Bar Council of India
1 point
(A) 35
(B) 37
(C) 36
(D) 39
27. S.----- of Advocates Act,
1961 speaks about constitution of Legal Aid Committees
1 point
(A) 9
(B) 10
(C) 9A
(D) 10A
28. 5.89 of the Civil
Procedure Code was incorporated through the Civil Procedure Code Amendment Act
of -------------which is the prominent provision that discusses about the
jurisdiction of civil courts in applying Alternate Dispute Resolution
1 point
(A) 1989
(B) 1999
(C) 1988
(D) 2009
29. In which case the Supreme
Court held that Part 1 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act would equally
apply to international commercial arbitration held outside India, unless any or
all provisions have been excluded by agreement between the parties.
1 point
(A) Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading S.A
(B) United India Ins. Co. Ltd v. Associated Transport Corpn. Ltd
(C) Hakam Singh v. Gammon (India) Ltd.
Ajmera Brothers v. Suraj Naresh Kumar Jain
30. Establishment of Permanent
Lok Adalats is envisaged under S. ---------------- of the Legal Services
Authority Act of 1987
1 point
(A) 22B
(B) 22A
(C) 22(1)
(D) 22
31. Evidences to document
unmeaning in reference to existing facts is called as
1 point
(A) Patent ambiguity
(B) Latent ambiguity
(C) Both of them
(D) None
of the above
32. Original document is the
best evidence – Exception to this rule is contained in
1 point
(A) Indian Evidence Act
(B) Criminal Procedure Code
(C) Bankers Book Evidence Act
(D) None
of these
33. Doctrine of election is
based on the foundation that a person taking the benefit of an instrument must
1 point
(A) Not bear the burden
(B) Burden is not the subject of election
(C) Burden is the subject of election
(D) Bear
the burden
34. Period of limitation for
execution of the order of maintenance is------- from the date on which it
becomes due.
1 point
(A) 1 year
(B) 5 years
(C) 9 years
(D) 15
35. Identify the correct order
in which the following law making treaties are concluded1. The Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations2. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
3. The Declaration of Paris Select the correct answer from the codes given
1 point
(A) 1,3,2
(B) 3,2,1
(C) 2,1,3
(D) 1,2,3
36. Which one of the following
doctrine requires that the parties to a treaty are bound to observe its terms
in good faith?
1 point
(A) The Drago doctrine
(B) Right of asylum
(C) Doctrine of equality
(D) Pacta
Sunt Servanda
37. General Assembly adopted
the definition of word Aggression through
1 point
(A) Resolution 3314 XXIX ,1974
(B) Resolution 3312 XXXIX ,1973
(C) Resolution2213, 1982
(D) None
of the above
38. The admission of a new
political entity into the United Nations can be termed as
1 point
(A) Express recognition
(B) Conditional recognition
(C) Collective recognition
De-facto recognition
39. “A State is and becomes
and international person through recognition only and exclusively.” Who stated
1 point
(A) L. Oppenheim
(B) Hobbes
(C) Fenwick
40. The United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the Model Law on e-commerce
1 point
(A) 1997
(B) 1998
(C) 1996
(D) 2013
41. Section 3 of Information
Technology Act,2000 which was originally “Digital Signature” was renamed as
------------------in ITAA - 2008
1 point
(A) “Digital Signature and Electronic Signature"
(B) “Digital Signature and E- Signature"
(C) “Digital and Electronic Signature
(D) None
of the above
42. Which among the following
are the digital signature certifying authorities in India?
1 point
(A) M/s. Safescript
(B) M/s. NCERT
(C) M/s. MTL
(D) All
the above
43. Section 43 of the
Information Technology Act deals with
1 point
(A) Criminal liability
(B) Civil liability
(C) Both the above
(D) None
of the above
44. “Where a body corporate is
negligent in implementing reasonable security practices and thereby causes
wrongful loss or gain to any person, such body corporate shall be liable to pay
damages by way of compensation to the person so affected.” Which section of the
Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008 envisages so
1 point
(A) 43
(B) 43A
(C) 43B
(D) 43C
45. R obtained a sum of
Rs.50,000/- from D by putting Din fear of death. Here R commits
1 point
(A) Extortion
(B) Cheating
(C) Mischief
46. What is the period of
limitation to file a suit for compensation for false imprisonment?
1 point
(A) 2 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 12 years
(D) 1year
47. As per S.19 of the
Limitation Act,1963 if any payment is made on account of a debt, before the
expiration of the prescribed period by the person liable to pay the debt or by
his agent duly authorized in that behalf a fresh period of limitation starts
running from the
1 point
(A) Time when suit was filed
(B) When the payment was made
(C) When the creditor demands
(D) None
of the above
48. Under the Companies Act,
2013, any company having a net worth of rupees 500 crore or more or a turnover
of rupees 1,000 crore or more or a net profit of rupees 5 crore or more should
mandatorily spend ----- of their net profits per fiscal on Corporate Social
Responsibility activities
1 point
(A) 3%
(B) 5%
(C) 10%
(D) 2%
49. The ----------- Guidelines
constitute one of the most comprehensive CSR tools available to companies.
1 point
50. Conditions of Hindu
Marriage have been laid down under ---------- of Hindu Marriage Act
1 point
(A) Sec. 9
(B) Sec. 10
(C) Sec.5
(D) Sec.
51. The Hindu Succession
(Amendment) Act, 2005,
1 point
(A) Allows daughters of the deceased equal rights with daughter
(B) Allows sons of the deceased equal rights with widows
(C) Allows daughters of the deceased equal rights with wife
Allows daughters of the deceased equal, rights with sons
52. The Fuller Hart Debate
could be summarized as a debate between which two jurisprudential
1 point
(A) Positivism and utilitarianism
(B) Natural Law and Positivism
(C) Positivism and Liberalism
Marxism and liberal feminism
53. In bailment if the goods
are lent free of cost to the bailee for his use it is known as bailment by
1 point
(A) Deposition
(B) Pledge
(C) Commodation
(D) None
of the above
54. Where the proposal and
acceptance is through letters, the contract is made at the place where
1 point
(A) The acceptance is received
(B) The letter of acceptance is posted
(C) Both the above answers
(D) None
of the above
55. The surety stands
discharged by
1 point
(A) Death
(B) Revocation
(C) Variance in the terms of the contract without his consent
(D) None
of the above
56. All contracts which are unlawful
and void are known as
1 point
(A) Illegal contracts
(B) Nugatory contracts
(C) Voidable contracts
(D) None
of the above
57. S.------ of the Negotiable
instruments Act deals with ‘noting'.
1 point
(A) 100
(B) 101
(C) 102
(D) 99
58. Cancellation of crossing
is also called
1 point
(A) Marking
(B) Opening of crossing
(C) Cancellation
(D) None
of the above
59. Negotiable claim issued by
a bank in return for a term deposit is called
1 point
(A) Share certificate
(B) Certificate of incorporation
(C) Certificate of deposit
(D) Term
60. Wager relate with
1 point
(A) Present event
(B) Past event
(C) Future event
(D) Any
of the above
61. In the judgment of the
Supreme Court in Salem Bar Association vs. Union of India, the Supreme Court
had requested this committee headed by ------------ to prepare a case
management formula.
1 point
(A) Justice.Bhagwathi
(B) Justice Muralidhar
(C) Justice .Raveendran
(D) Justice
.Jagannandha Rao
62. The 2013 Companies Act has
increased the limit of the number of members in Private Company from 50 to
1 point
(A) 100
(B) 200
(C) 300
(D) 150
63. The Standards on Auditing
have been accorded legal sanctity in the 2013 Act and would be subject to
notification by the
1 point
64. Quifacit per aliumfacit
per se, means
1 point
(A) act of an agent is the act of principal
(B) act of an agent is not an act of principal
(C) principal and agent are liable jointly
(D) agent
must not act in contravention of the act of principal
65. The concept of 'privity of
contract was rejected in
1 point
(A) Winterbottom v. Wright
(B) Donoghue v. Stevenson
(C) Longmeid v. Holiday
Heaven v. Pender
66. -------------is observed
as the World Consumer Rights Day.
1 point
(A) 15th of March
(B) 16th of March
(C) 12th of March
(D) 11th
of March
67. Accountability of medical
professional and the need for qualitative change in the attitude of the medical
service provided by the hospitals was emphasized by the Supreme Court in which
of the following cases
1 point
(A) Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading S.A
(B) Indian Medical Association v. V.P. Shantha and Ors
(C) Manekha Gandhi v. Union of India
LucknowDevelopment Authority M.K. Gupta
68. Renewal of driving
licenses is envisaged under S. of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
1 point
(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 22
(D) 15
69. S.82 IPC is an
illustration for
1 point
(A) Presumption of fact
(B) Presumption of law
(C) Presumption of fact and presumption of law
(D) None
of the above.
70. Meaning Of Nemo moriturus
praesumuntur mentiri
1 point
(A) A dying man can never speak truth
(B) A dying man can never speak falsehood
(C) A dying man can speak truth
(D) A
dying man may not speak falsehood
71. If a court lower to the
Sessions Court tries a murder case that court is called as
1 point
(A) Coram sub judice
(B) Coram non judice
(C) Coram non subjudice
(D) Coram
72. SFIO stands for
1 point
(A) Serious Fraud Investigation Office
(B) Serious Force Institution Office
(C) Serious Form Investigation Office
Serious File Investigation Office
73. Which provision of the
Companies Act,2013 discusses about the issue of bonus shares out of its free
reserves or the securities premium account or the capital redemption reserve
account, subject to the compliance with certain conditions such as
authorization by the articles, approval in the general meeting
1 point
(A) S.36
(B) S.43
(C) S.63
(D) S.33
74. The question whether the
Fundamental Rights can be amended under Art.368 came for consideration first
time in
1 point
(A) Shankari Prasad v. Union of India
(B) KeshavanandaBharati v. Union of India
(C) GolakNath v. State of Punjab
(D) None
of the above
75. A law which violates
fundamental rights is not nullity or void-ab-initio but becomes only
unenforceable, this doctrine is calledas
1 point
(A) Doctrine of severability
(B) Doctrine of 3 points
(C) Tornado doctrine
(D) Doctrine
of eclipse
76. Equality of opportunity
discrimination with reasons. It wasobserved by apex court in
1 point
(A) State of Kerala v. N.M. Thomas
(B) Indira Sawhney v. Union of India
(C) AIR India v. Nargesh Mirza
(D) All
the above
77. An Executive Magistrate
may require security for keeping good behavior from habitual offenders for a
period not more than
1 point
(A) 6 months
(B) 1 year
(C) 2 years
(D) 3
78. S.167 of the Criminal
Procedure Code provides that the nature of custody can be altered from judicial
custody to police custody and vice-versa this alteration can be done during the
period of first
1 point
(A) 15 days
(B) 16 days
(C) 14 days
(D) 12
79. Under which provision of
the Code of Criminal Procedure it is mandatory for a police officer to inform
the person arrested, the grounds of arrest and right of bail if the offence is
not non-bailable
1 point
(C) S.50
80. S.41-B is inserted in to
the Criminal Procedure Code on the basis of which among the following decisions
1 point
(A) NandiniSatpathy v.PL Dhani
(B) Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration
(C) Prem Shankar Shukla v. Delhi Administration
(D) D.K.Basu
v. State of West Bengal
81. Civil Surgeon shall refer
unsound minded person to a clinical Psychologist/Psychiatrist. However by ,
virtue of S.-------the aggrieved accused may prefer appeal before Medical Board
consisting of head of Psychiatry and faculty of Medical College
1 point
(B) 328 1A
(C) 328(2)
(D) 346
82. What are the remedies open
to the party aggrieved in a suit on contracts?
1 point
(A) Specific performance and injunction
(B) Specific performance and damages
(C) Specific performance only
All the above
83. ‘A’ resides at Delhi, and
'B' at Agra. B borrows Rs.20,000/-from A at Benares and passes a promissory
note to A payable at Benares. B fails to repay the loan. A may sue B at
1 point
(A) Benares or Agra
(B) Benares only
(C) Agra only
Benares, Agra and Delhi.
84. The general principle of
waiver that provides that failure to raise objection in the court of the first
instance and at the earliest opportunity shall prevent the defendant from
raising such objection at a subsequent stage and the judgment would not be
vitiated on the ground of absence of territorial or pecuniary jurisdiction is
reflected in which provision of Civil procedure Code
1 point
(A) S.15
(B) S.16
(C) S.51
(D) S.21
85. Act of court can do no
wrong to any person. Which concept relates to this ideology
1 point
(A) Precept
(B) Caveat
(C) Restitution
86. Rabindra Kumar Pal@ Dara
Singh v.Republic of India a famous case coming under S.30 of Evidence Act is also
well known as
1 point
(A) Graham Stains Murder case
(B) Graham Bells Murder case
(C) Graham Street's Murder case
Graham Stoits Murder case
87. Statement by a person who
is dead is a relevant fact under ------------ of the Indian Evidence Act
1 point
(A) S:32(3)
(B) S.32(4)
(C) S.32(5)
88. A charge sheet filed under
S.173 of cr.P.C is an example of
1 point
(A) Public document
(B) Private document
(C) Patent document
Latent document
89. Procedure of investigation
of criminal cases under the Criminal Procedure Code is contained in Chapter
1 point
(A) XI
(C) X
(D) IX
90. Frost v.Knight is a
leading case on
1 point
(A) S.32
(B) S.33
(C) S.34
(D) S.35
91. Which among the following
is a law based on equity?
1 point
(A) Indian Contract Act,1872
(B) Indian Penal Code, 1863
(C) Indian Partnership Act, 1932
(D) Specific
Relief Act,1963
92. Which section of the
Specific Relief Act, describes temporary Injunction
1 point
(A) 45
(B) 41
(C) 37
(D) 36
93. The maintenance amount
which can be transferred is
1 point
(A) Future maintenance
(B) Right to future maintenance
(C) Arrears of maintenance up to a certain date
(D) None
of the above during which
94. The maximum period
property can be tied up is
1 point
(A) Only 15 years
(B) One or more life or lives in being at the date of transfer and the
minority of an unborn person
(C) During the lifetime of the transferor and the minority period of an
unborn person
(D) None
of the above.
95. Whoever causes bodily
pain, disease or infirmity to any person is said to have inflicted ------ on
the victim
1 point
(A) Grievous hurt
(B) Hurt
(C) Assault
(D) None
of the above
96. Personation at Election is
an offence under S. --- of the Indian Penal Code
1 point
(A) 124 A
(B) 121 A
(C) 153 B
171 D
97. Raman having found a key
of Raju's house which Raju had lost, commits house trespass by entering Raju's
house after opening the door with that key. Raman has committed the offence of
1 point
(A) House trespass
(B) Criminal trespass
(C) House breaking
(D) None
of these
98. ---------------- defined
crime as "a violation of public rights and duties due to the whole
community considered as community.
1 point
(A) Blackstone
(B) Justice Bhagwati
(C) V.R.Krishnalyer
(D) Lord
99. Who among the following is
not a 'public servant'?
1 point
(A) Liquidator
(B) A Civil Judge
(C) Secretary of a Co-operative Society
(D) None
of these
100. The Sampoorna Grameen
Rozgar Yojana (Universal Rural Employment Programme) was launched in 2001 and
was implemented through
1 point
(A) Labour offices
(B) Government
(C) Panchayati Raj Institutions
(D) All
the above