Civil law ( Set: I) ( Delhi Judicial Service Examination, 2010) (MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

Civil law ( Set: I) ( Delhi Judicial Service Examination, 2010) (MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)


1.  'A' made a gift  of property to 'B' before acceptance by 'B'', 'A' dies. Gift is

                                                                ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) legal.

(b) illegal.

(c) void.

(d) voidable.

2. 'A' owes money to 'B' who transfers the debt to 'C'. 'B' when demands the debt the transfer as prescribed in Section 131 of the T.P.Act., 1882, pays 'B'. The payment is

                                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) illegal.

(d) voidable contract.

3. An agreement that is not enforceable legally is called.

                                                        ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) illegal.

(d) voidable contract.

4. A agrees to sell a horse worth ₹ 1,000 for ₹ 10. A's consent to the agreement was freely given. The agreement is 

                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) valid contract.

(d) illegal.

5. Which one of the following ingredients is not necessary for contract?

                                                ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) Proposal.

(b) Acceptance

(c) Consideration.

(d) Immovable property.

6. All illegal contracts are void but all void contracts are not

                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) legal.

(b) illegal.

(c) enforceable.

(d) voidable.

7. 'A' intending to deceive 'B' falsely represents that 500 tons of indigo is made annually at A's factory and thereby induces 'B' to buy the factory. The contract is

                                                        ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) void.

(b) voidable at the option of 'A'.

(c) voidable at the option of 'B'.

(d) illegal.

8. 'A' promises to maintain 'B's child. 'B' promises to pay 'A' ₹ 1,000 yearly for the purpose. The consideration is 

                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) lawful.

(b) unlawful.

(c) no consideration.

(d) none of these.

9. 'A' agrees to sell to 'B' hundred tons of oil. There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil he intended to sell. The agreement is

                                                        ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) enforceable.

(d) non-enforceable.

10. 'A agrees to pay 'B' a sum of money, if 'B' marries 'C'. 'C' marries 'D'. The agreement is

                                                            ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) void.

(b) voidable.

(c) legal.

(d) illegal.

11. 'A' promises to paint a picture for 'B' within 10 days at price of ₹ 1,000. 'A' dies before 10 days. The contract is

                                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) enforceable.

(b) non-enforceable.

(c) voidable.

(d) void.

12. 'A' contracts to sing for 'B' at a concert for ₹ 1,000 which was paid in advance. 'A' is too ill to sing. Then

                                                ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) 'A' must refund to 'B' ₹ 1,000 paid in advance.

(b) 'A' must not refund to 'B' ₹ 1,000 paid in advance.

(c) 'B' can receive compensation from 'A'.

(d) None of these.

13. 'A', a tradesman leaves his goods at B's house by mistake. 'B' uses the goods as his own. Then

                                                                        ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) B need not pay to 'A'.

(B) B is bound to pay 'A'.

(c) There is no contract.

(d) None of these.

14. 'A' is consideration that 'B' will employ 'C' in collecting the rent of B's zamindari, promises 'B' to be responsible to the amount of ₹ 5,000 for the due collection and payment by 'C' of those rents. This is 

                                                                ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 200)

(a)  no guarantee.

(b) simple guarantee.

(c) continuing guarantee.

(d) none of these.

15. An agreement in restrain of marriage of any person other than a minor is a 

                                                            ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) legal contract.

(b) voidable contract.

(c) fraudulent contract.

(d) void contract.

16. 'A' and 'B' contract to marry each other, before the time fixed for the marriage, 'A' goes mad, the contract becomes

                                                                    ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) voidable contract.

(b) conditional contract.

(c) contingent contract.

(d) void contract.

17. Where the order in which reciprocal promises are to be performed is expressly fixed by the contract, they shall be performed in that order; and where the order is not expressly fixed, it shall be performed

                                                                ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) in that order which the nature of transaction require.

(b) in the order as one of the parties prefer.

(c) as desire by the proposal.

(d) none of these.

18. A promises to obtain for B an employment in public service and B promises to pay ₹ 1,000 to A, the agreement between A and B

                                                                        ( MP Judicial Service Examination, 2007)

(a) is legal and proper.

(b) can be enforced at the instance of B.

(c) is void agreement.

(d) none of these.

19. Which of the following contracts cannot be specifically enforced?

                                                                ( Delhi Judicial Service Examination, 2010)

(a) A contracts to sell to B a certain number of railway shares of a particular description. A refuse to complete the sale.

(b) A holds certain stocks in trust of B. A wrongfully disposes of the stock.

(c) A is a trustee of land with power to lease it for seven years. He enters into a contract with B to grant a lease of the land for seven years, with a convenant to renew the lease at the expiry of the term.

(d) All of these.

20. Which of the following is contract?

                                                            ( Delhi Judicial Service Examination, 2010)

(a) 'A' contracts to sell certain land to B for ₹ 5,000. 'A' afterwards conveys the land for ₹ 6,000 to 'C' who has notice of the original contract. 'B' may enforce specific performance of the contract as against 'C'.

(b) 'A' contracts to sell a land to 'B' for ₹ 5,000 'B' takes possession of the land. Afterwards 'A' sells it to 'C' for ₹ 6,000. 'C' makes no inquiry of 'B', relating to his interest in the land. 'B's possession is insufficient to affect C with notice of his interest and he may enforce specific performance of the contract against 'C'.

(c) Both (a) and (b).

(d) None of these.


1. C        2. C        3. B        4. C        5. D        6. B        7. C        8. A        9. B        10. A

11. D        12. A        13. B        14. C        15. D        16. D        17. A        18.C        19. C

20. C