Will With Trust for Wife and Children, Pecuniary Legacies and Annuities

Will With Trust for Wife and Children, Pecuniary Legacies and Annuities


This is the last will of mine ab made this the ........... Day of .........., 2000, which cancels all my former wills and codicils.

1.      I hereby revoke all my former wills and codicils.

2.      I appoint CD, EF and GH to be my executors and trustees.

3.      I bequeath all my household goods to my wife LN, absolutely.

4.      I bequeath all my books, clothes, watch and other personal effects to my eldest son OP.

5.      I bequeath;

                      i.         Rs....................... to my wife aforesaid to be paid as soon as possible.

                     ii.         Rs........................ to each of my executors who shall prove my will.

                    iii.         Rs........................ to each of my servants who at my death shall have been in employ for three years immediately preceding my death (or three months salary in addition to the wages then due or accruing.)

6.      I bequeath to my said wife LN an annuity for her life of Rs................ And to my sister RS an annuity for life of Rs. ............ both of which will commence from my death. These annuities will be secured by the appropriation of investments, sufficient to ensure the same out of income therefrom and in case of any deficiency of income, the capital of the said appropriated fund will be liable . After this appropriation, any residuary estate will be free of the aforesaid annuities.

7.      The residue of my property , movable and immovable, has to be converted into money by my executors who shall after payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, invest and settle the same on the following trusts:

a.      To pay the income to my wife aforesaid during her life.

b.     Subject hereto in trust to pay or divide the corpus to or between all my children or who being male shall attain majority or being female shall attain majority or previously namely, the share which would have belonged to any child already dead or who may die before me leaving issue to go to such issue by substitution per stripes.

8.      My wife aforesaid shall have power during her life to appoint a new trustee in case of any vacancy.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the said AB, have signed this will hereunder the day and year first written above.



Signed by the above named AB in our presence at the same time and each of us has in the presence of the testator signed his name hereunder as an attesting witness.

