Will by a Disabled Person in Favour of wife and Daughter

Will by a Disabled Person in Favour of wife and Daughter


Now i am about 70 years old and i am in a sound disposing state of mind. But as my legs and hands are shaking due to some heart problem, i have made the following arrangement with regard to my immovable and movable properties so that there may not be any objections by my heir and others after my lifetime.

I have a wife named xy. A son and a daughter by the name bp and ps, respectively. I got my son married with a girl by name rr.

about two years after the marriage, my son by name bp died. After the death of the said son of mine i gave to my daughter in law rr, all the stridhan properties that were given to her at the time of her marriage and i gave also a cash amount of rs.1,00,000 (rupees one lac only) towards her live long maintenance also .

I got also the marriage of my daughter ps performed with gs’s son cb, resident of ___________________.

Now my wife xy and my daughter ps are alive. After my life time my wife xy should take possession of my immovable properties belonging to me, that is, the plots which are in my possession and enjoyment and which are situated at __________________________ and the house in ____________________ and the entire movable and immovable properties remaining after my life time and she shall enjoy all the said properties without alienating them in any manner.

After her life time, my daughter ps wife of cb, shall enjoy (the said property) with powers of gift, sale, etc. But neither my heirs nor other shall have any manner of right or interest. This will shall come into effect after my lifetime. I shall have the power to cancel this will whenever i please. To this effect this will is executed by me out of free will.

In witness whereof i the said ab have signed this will here under the day and year first written above.

(sd.) .....................


Signed by the above named ab in our presence at the same time and each of us has in the presence of the testator signed his name hereunder as an attesting witness.

1. ............................
