

This is the Last Will of mine, AB, etc., made this the ..................... day of .........., 2000, at ......................... which cancels my WILL dated .................. made in favour of ................................. now deceased.

Whereas I had made a will on ....................... Bequeathing all my property in favour of ........................... my................. (state relationship).

And Whereas the said ..................... died on .................. leaving behind.....................

NOW I declare that:

1.      I hereby revoke my former will dated ................. in favour of ............ aforesaid.

2.      I bequeath all my properties to .......................... my.................. (state relationship) absolutely.

3.      I bequeath the following annuities to commence from the date of my death and to be paid in monthly installments:

              i.         To my daughter CD, etc., an annuity of Rs..................... to be paid during her life;

             ii.         To my nephew EF, etc., an annuity of Rs....................... for his life.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the said AB have signed this will here under the day and year first written above.

(Sd.) .....................


Signed by the above named AB in our presence at the same time and each of us has in the presence of the testator signed his name hereunder as an attesting witness.

1. ............................
