CIVL LAW ( SET: II ) Haryana Judicial Services Examination, 2011   UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003

CIVL LAW ( SET: II ) Haryana Judicial Services Examination, 2011 UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003


1. Restitution of conjugal rights can be claimed

                                                        ( Haryana Judicial Services Examination, 2011)

(a)  When there is a withdrawal from the society of other with an excuse.

(b) When there is a withdrawal from the society of other without any reasonable cause.

(c) When there is a withdrawal from the society of another without any absolute cause.

(d) Both (b) and (c)

2. A proposal when accepted becomes

                                                        ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) A promise

(b) A contract

(c) An agreement

(d) None of these

3. Which of the following is a valid acceptance of a proposal?

                                                        (  UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) When an acceptance is made in ignorance of the proposal.

(b) When an acceptance is made in usual and reasonable manner but not in manner prescribed by the proposer.

(c) When an acceptance is made in a manner prescribed by the proposer.

(d) None of these.

4. An agreement made without free consent is

                                                                       ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) always void.

(b) voidable.

(c) unlawful.

(d) either void or voidable.

5. A contract through telephone is considered concluded at the place where acceptance is heard. In which of the following case, it was held?

                                                                    ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Bhagwandas Vs. Girdharilal

(b) Calill Vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.

(c) Lalman Shukla Vs. Gauridutt

(d) Satyabrata Ghosh Vs. Mugnee Ram

6. Which of the following cases is related to the doctine of frustration?

                                                            ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Hadley Vs Baxendale

(b) Carlill Vs Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.

(c) Satyabrata Ghosh Vs Mugnee Ram

(d) State Bank of India Vs Quality Bread factory

7. Which one of the following cases is not related to the damages for breach of contract?

                                                                                ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Hadley Vs Baxendale

(b) State of Rajasthan Vs Novelty Stores

(c) Madras Railway Co. Vs Govind Rao

(d) Domination of India Vs All India Reporter Ltd.

8. Assertion (A) : An illegal agreement is void, but all void agreements are not illegal.

    Reason (R) : Only those agreement, of which the object or consideration is unlawful, are known as illegal agreements.

                                                                                ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

9. which of the following agreements is not void?

                                                                            ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) 'A' agrees to sell 200 tons of oil to 'B'.

(b) An agreement in restraint of legal proceedings.

(c) An agreement in restraint of marriage of any person.

(d) 'A' finds 'B's purse and gives it to him. 'B' promises to give 'A' ₹  100.

10. March List-I  with List-II and select correct answer using the code given below.

                List-I                                    List-II

(a) Novation                                     1. Section70, I.C.A.

(b) Unjust enrichment                      2. Section 62, I.C.A.

(c) Party competent to contract       3. Section 15, I.C.A.

(d) Dispossession of property          4. Section 11, I.C.A.

   induced by threat to cause death

                                                               ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

              A         B        C        D 

(a)           2          1        4        3

(b)            1          2        4       1

(c)            2        3        4        1

(d)            3        1        2        4

11. A contingent contract depends on the happening of a future uncertain event that can be enforced when the event

                                                                ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003 )

(a) Happens.

(b) becomes impossible.

(c) does not happen

(d) none of the above is correct.

12. When prior to the due date of performance, the promisor absolutely refuses to perform the contract, it is known as

                                                                    ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) abandonment of contract.

(b) actual breach of contract.

(c) remission of contract.

(d) anticipatory breach of contract.           

13. when the agent contracts without disclosing name and existence of his principal, in such a case on knowing about the principal, the third party may file a suit against

                                                                        ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) principal alone.

(b) agent alone.

(c) either agent or principal or both.

(d) none of these.

14. 'A' is indebted to 'B' . He authorizes 'B' to sell his house and to pay himself out of the sale proceeds the debts due to him. In the absence of Express contract

                                                                        ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) 'A' can revoke the agency.

(b) 'A' cannot revoke the agency.

(c) agency is not terminated by A's death.

(d) both (b) and (c) are correct.

15. pledge by a seller in possession of goods after sale is

                                                                            ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Valid.

(b) Void.

(c) Voidable.

(d) Unlawful.

16. 'A' hires a carriage of 'B'. The carriage is unsafe. 'B' is not aware of the faults in the carriage. 'A' is injured

                                                                        (UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) 'B' is liable.

(b) 'B' is not liable.

(c) 'A' and 'B' both are jointly liable.

(d) All the above are correct.

17. A guarantee that the creditor has obtained by mens of keeping silence as to a material circumstance is

                                                                                ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) vaild

(b) invalid

(c) voidable

(d) none of these.

18. Which of the following sections of Indian Contract Act, 1872, embodies the rule of Clayton's case relating to appropriation of payments?

                                                    ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Section 59

(b) Section 61

(c) Section 60 

(d) Section 58

19. The rule enunciated by Section 65 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 is applicable to agreements that are considered void by

                                                                            ( UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Mistake.

(b) Failure of Consideration.

(c) Impossibility of performance of contract.

(d) All of the above. 

20. Assertion (A) : Minor's contract is void.

    Reason (R) : Mortgage executed to favour of a minor is enforceable by him.

                                                                            (UP PCS (J) Examination, 2003)

(a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.


1.B        2. A        3. C        4. D        5. A        6. C        7. B        8. B        9. D        10. A

11. A        12. D        13. C        14. D        15. A        16. A        17. B        18. A        19. D

20. B