CIVIL LAW ( SET : I ) Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009, MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1996

CIVIL LAW ( SET : I ) Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009, MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1996


1. Marriage with an eunuch is regarded as

                                                                 ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) illegal.

(b) legal.

(c) void.

(d) voidable.

2. Who out of the following cannot be appointed as an arbitrator?

                                                                     ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) A person of sound mind.

(b) A person who has attained the age of majority.

(c) A person who has an interest in the subject matter of dispute.

(d) A person of good character.

3. A person who supplies 'necessaries' to a minor is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of the minor on the basis of a 

                                                                    ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) valid contract.

(b) voidable contract.

(c) quasi Contract.

(d) contingent contract.

4. On the valid performance of the contractual obligations by the parties, the contract.

                                                                    ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) is discharged.

(b) becomes enforceable.

(c) becomes void.

(d) none of these.

5. The case of Reyland Vs Fletcher has laid down the principle of

                                                                    ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II) 2009)

(a) defamation.

(b) conspiracy.

(c) strict liablity of land owner.

(d) none of these.

6. As a general rule, an agreement made without consideration is

                                                                      ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) void.

(b) voidable.

(c) valid.

(d) unlawful.

7. A agrees to sell his scooter worth ₹ 10,000 to B for ₹ 5,000 only and consent was obtained by coercion. Here the agreement is

                                                                  ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) void.

(b) valid.

(c) voidable,

(d) unlawful.

8. The case of Abrath Vs North Eastem  Rly Co. is about

                                                                     ( Bihar Judicial Service Examination (II), 2009)

(a) malicious prosecution.

(b) defamation.

(c) strict liability.

(d) none of these. 

9. Which of the following agreements is not void?

                                                                        ( MP PCS (J) Examination , 1996)

(a) A agrees to sell B a hundred tons of oil.

(b) A promises to obtain for B an employment in the public service and B promises to pay ₹ 1,000 to A.

(c) A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic.

(d) A finds B's purse and gives it to him, B promises to give to A ₹ 50.

10. 'A' enters into a contract with 'B' to sing at his theatre two nights in every week during the next two months and 'B' engages to pay her at rate of ₹ 1,000 for each night. 'A' willfully absents herself on the sixth night but with the assent of 'B' . 'A' sings on the seventh night.

                                                                        ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II),1996)

(a) 'B' can put an end to the contract.

(b) 'B' cannot put an end to the contract.

(c) 'B' is not liable to pay for five nights on which 'A' had sung.

(d) 'B' is not entitled to compensation for damage sustained by him on the sixth night.

11. Which of the following is not a quasi contract?

                                                                            ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1996)

(a) Obligation of person enjoying benefit of a non-gratuitous act.

(b) Responsibility of finder of goods.

(c) Quantum meriut.

(d)  Novation.

12. 'A' contracts to sell and deliver 500 bales of cotton to 'B' on a fixed by. A knows nothing of B's mode of conducting business. 'A' breaks his promise and 'B' having no cotton is obliged to close his mill. Is 'A' responsible for the loss caused to 'B' by closing the mill?

                                                                            ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1996)

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) To the extent of the agreed price of cotton 

(d) None of these

13. 'A' proposes by letter, to sell a house to 'B' at a certain price. The communication of proposal is complete when

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1998)

(a) 'A' puts a letter in the letter-box.

(b) 'B' receives the letter.

(c) 'B' puts a reply in the letter-box.

(d) 'A' receives the reply of 'B'.

14. A sells, by auction, to B a horse whichh A knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the horse's unsoundness. A does

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1998)

(a) fraud.

(b) misrepresentation.

(c) no fraud.

(d) undue influence.

15. Where both parties are under mistake as to the matter of the fact, the agreement will be

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1998)

(a) enforceable.

(b) voidable.

(c) not void.

(d) not void.

16. What will be the effect of mistakes as per the law in force in India on an agreement?

                                                                            ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II), 1998)

(a)  not voidable.

(b) voidable.

(c) void.

(d) not void.

17. A promises, for no consideration, to give to B ₹ 1,000. This agreement is

                                                                    ( MP PCS (J) Examination (II) 1998)

(a) voidable.

(b) void.

(c) enforceable.

(d) not enforceable not being in writing.

18. Agreements, the meaning of which is not certain, or capable of being made certain, are

                                                                                    ( MP PCS (J) Examination, 1998)

(a) voidable.

(b) illegal.

(c) void.

(d) enforceable.

19. Where no application is made and no time is specified for performance of promise, there the agreement must be performed with

                                                                                ( MP PCS (J) Examination 1998)

(a) three years.

(b) two years.

(c) one year.

(d) reasonable time.

20. A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. This agreement is

                                                                            ( MP PCS (J) Examination 1998)

(a) void.

(b) voidable.

(c) enforceable.

(d) valid and enforceable in Bengal.


1. C

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. D

12. B

13. B

14. C

15. D

16. A

17. B

18. C

19. D

20. A