Will With Several Legacies and Religious and Charitable Bequests and Residue to Vest in Trustees for benefit of wife and children

Will With Several Legacies and Religious and Charitable Bequests and Residue to Vest in Trustees for benefit of wife and children


This is the last will executed by me, AB, etc., this the _______ day in the city of __________________.

1.      I hereby revoke all former wills and codicils heretofore made by me.

2.      I appoint CD, etc., EF, and GH, etc., to be the executors and trustees of my this will.

3.      I appoint the said trustees as guardian of my children jointly with my wife.

4.      I bequeath –

                      i.         to my wife OP Shares Nos. ______ in Company Limited’

                     ii.         to my son MN my gold watch, chain and my signestring ;

                    iii.         to my daughter KL my motor car;

                    iv.         to my friend XY all my books.

5.      I bequeath the following pecuniary legacies :

                      i.         the sum of Rs. _______ to each of the trustees who shall prove my will and act in trust thereof.

                     ii.         Rs. _______ to each of my servants MN and Rs.

6.      I bequeath the following charitable legacies ;

                      i.         to the __________ Hospital Rs. ___________,

                     ii.         to the___________ College Rs. ___________.

                    iii.         to the __________ Orphanage Rs. ___________.

                    iv.         to the __________ Temple Rs. ___________.

7.      I give to my sister PQ, the wife of TU, during her life an annuity of Rs. _____ payable my equal monthly installments on the first day of each month after my death without power of anticipation during her coverture.

8.      I release and forgive to IJ or to his representative if he dies before me the amount that may be due at the time of my death to me on his bond for Rs. ______ dated _______ and direct my trustees to cancel and deliver up the bond to him.

9.      I devise and bequeath all my property, movable and immovable, existing at the time of my death (except property disposed of by this will) unto my trustees upon trust to sell all the covert the same into money, and after payment of all my debts, funeral expenses, legacies and annuities hereinbefore provided, to invest the net proceeds thereof in any investment they in their absolute discretion think fit and to hold the same and income thereof upon trust hereinafter declared and specified.

10.   My trustees shall pay the income of the trust estate to my wife during her lifetime without power of anticipation until her re-marriage and after her remarriage, one moiety to her and the other moiety to my children in equal shares.

11.   Subject to aforesaid my trustees shall divide the corpus of the trust estate among my children equally, who being sons attain the age of majority and in the case of daughters attain majority or marry under age :

Provided that if any child of mine dies during my life-time, then his children shall take equally between them and share of such child.

12.   I hereby give power to my wife, the said OP to appoint a new trustee or new trustees on the occurrence of any vacancy in the office of the trustees.

13.   I direct that if there is any difference of opinion between the trustees on any matter concerning this will, or the management of the property hereby bequeathed, or the execution of trust hereby created, the opinion of the majority shall prevail.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the said AB, have executed this will in the presence of the witnesses hereunder who have attested the same in my present.



Witnesses :

1. ________________

2. ________________