Codicil Substituting a Trustee Appointed Under Will

Codicil Substituting a Trustee Appointed Under Will


I, AB etc., hereby declare this to be first codicil to my will dated the ______ day of __________.

Whereas by my aforesaid will I have appointed EF as one of the executors and trustees and given him a legacy of Rs. _______ if he acts ;

And, Whereas the said EF has died on ________________.

1.      Now I hereby revoke the appointment of the said EF as one of the executors and trustees of my will and appoint GH, etc., to be executor and trustee thereof in place of the said EF.

2.      I bequeath to the said GH a legacy of Rs. _______ if he acts as such executor and trustee and I hereby revoke the legacy of Rs. ______ given to the said EF by the said will.

3.      I hereby declare that my said will and all the provisions contained therein shall be construed and take effect in all respects as if the name of the said GH where substituted therein as an executor and trustee thereof for the name of EF.

4.      In all other respects I hereby confirm my said will.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the said AB have signed this codicil on the _______ day of ______ in presence of the witnesses hereunder who have attested the same in my presence.

(Sd.) __________



Signed by the above-named testator as a codicil to his will dated ______ in our presence at the same time and each of us has in the presence of the testator signed his name hereunder as an attesting

Witnesses :

1. ________________

2. ________________